Existem músicas que conseguem nos transportar para lugares distantes e nos fazer sentir diferentes emoções. Crash This Train é uma dessas músicas. Interpretada por Joshua James, essa canção convida a refletir sobre a importância de viver a vida intensamente, aproveitando cada momento sem segurar os sentimentos.

Para você que deseja aprender a tocar essa música emocionante, vamos apresentar a cifra completa de Crash This Train. Com ela, você poderá treinar no seu violão e tornar-se o coração das reuniões musicais.

Antes de começar a tocar, é importante conhecer a letra da música:

I know you’re feeling broken And you can’t keep it in I’m at the station are you coming? This feelings gonna win I wear my heart out on my sleeve I’m coming round your way Hop on this train we’ll crash it down Tear down these walls, we won’t stop now Come on and crash this train with me These days they move so fast We won’t be getting them back Come on and crash this train with me Come on and crash this train with me I see you sitting silent Waiting for a sign I’ll keep my heart raised up high Till we cross the finish line I wear my heart out on my sleeve I’m coming round your way Hop on this train we’ll crash it down Tear down these walls, we won’t stop now Come on and crash this train with me These days they move so fast We won’t be getting them back Come on and crash this train with me Come on and crash this train with me Don’t be afraid, let’s keep it, keep it going Don’t look back, let’s keep it, keep it flowing We’ll crash it down, we’ll crash it down Come on and crash this train with me Tears on my shirt, my pillow, my bed I wear my heart out on my sleeve we’ll keep it going This feeling will never go dead

Agora que você já conhece a letra, vamos às cifras:

Intro: C D Em D


C D Em D

I know you’re feeling broken And you can’t keep it in

C D Em D

I’m at the station are you coming? This feelings gonna win


Em C G

Hop on this train we’ll crash it down

Em C G

Tear down these walls, we won’t stop now

Em C G

Come on and crash this train with me

Em C G

These days they move so fast

Em C G

We won’t be getting them back

Em C G

Come on and crash this train with me

Em C G

Come on and crash this train with me


C D Em D

I see you sitting silent Waiting for a sign

C D Em D

I’ll keep my heart raised up high Till we cross the finish line


Em C G

Hop on this train we’ll crash it down

Em C G

Tear down these walls, we won’t stop now

Em C G

Come on and crash this train with me

Em C G

These days they move so fast

Em C G

We won’t be getting them back

Em C G

Come on and crash this train with me

Em C G

Come on and crash this train with me



Don’t be afraid, let’s keep it, keep it going


Don’t look back, let’s keep it, keep it flowing

Em C G

Come on and crash this train with me

Em C G

Come on and crash this train with me


Em C G

Hop on this train we’ll crash it down

Em C G

Tear down these walls, we won’t stop now

Em C G

Come on and crash this train with me

Em C G

These days they move so fast

Em C G

We won’t be getting them back

Em C G

Come on and crash this train with me

Em C G

Come on and crash this train with me

Final: Em C G

Agora que você já sabe a cifra completa de Crash This Train de Joshua James, é só pegar o violão e começar a praticar. Lembre-se de aproveitar cada momento durante essa canção emocionante. Com certeza, você será o coração das reuniões musicais!